
Thai Curry Vegetable Soup

I am on a soup kick for some reason...I read the other day that it's ok to have soup in May. So, let's leave it at that! I wasn't too sure what I wanted to make for dinner last night, Tuesdays are always so busy for us. I had a can of coconut milk in the pantry and I instantly knew what to do. This is such an easy recipe from Real Simple!  You will see that it calls for tofu, but you can just omit that. If you are a meat lover, you could replace tofu with chicken, which would taste fantastic! I think it took me a total of 20 minutes....plus extra time to let all those curry flavors infuse with the veggies. Don't be afraid to try new things, curry dishes are one of our favorites around here!  If you are in a real hurry, just substitute fresh veggies for frozen stir-fry. It works great and saves you time cutting up vegetables! Hope you give this recipe a try and let me know what you think!


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