
Oh, hello halloween

Just this week I realized that Halloween was only a week away. I know, I can be a bit slow. I still had no pumpkins on our front porch and by now we should. I don't know if it's just me, but with all the hustle and bustle I couldn't find the time to really put a lot of thought and time in to my pumpkins this year. Yes, I wish I didn't have to work everyday so I could sit at home and craft the day away, but that is not reality and life must go on. So, I borrowed this idea from a friend who showed me a wonderful idea on a blog called Young House Love, which we love! It's super simple and hardly takes any time! 

::1:: All you will need is a few pumpkins, some Puff Paint and some spray paint (color is your choice). Easy, right? 

::2:: First, make a pattern on your pumpkin. If you're a perfectionist, you may want to pre-plan your design and stencil it on, or you can wing like I did and take your chances. Either way, it's hard to mess up! Then, simply apply the puff paint by making tiny dots on your design.  Let the puff paint dry for about an hour. 

::3:: Second, spray paint the pumpkins. Let them dry completely.

::4:: Lastly, display your pumpkins on your front porch! 

Hope this helps any latecomers in the new fall season...I think I might use this technique on a lot more things than just pumpkins! 


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